Victoria Children's Choir Bridging Generations Tour to the Netherlands


The Victoria Children's Choir (VCC- 25 choristers 12-16 years old) is planning to tour the Netherlands between April 24 and May 7, a time chosen to let the VCC help the Netherlands celebrate the seventieth anniversary of its liberation by the Canadian army.

The choir is deeply honoured by the invitation to participate at a special Remembrance Ceremony at the Holterberg Canadian War Graves site. Here the twenty-five choristers from the Victoria area (aged 12-16) will be assisting children from nearby Holten in placing flowers at the graves of 1400 Canadian casualties who lie buried there. The children will provide a short performance for the 5000 invited guests including the Governor General, his Excellency David Johnson, and a member of the Dutch Royal Household. Thanks to enthusiastic response from the Netherlands the children will be performing at venues great and small on each of the fourteen days they are in that country (April 24-May 7)

We note that 27 members of the Seaforth Highlanders lie buried at Holten, quite a number of them from Vancouver.

This is an extraordinary event, and was the initiative of Madeleine Humer, our very talented and inspiring Artistic Director. Simply put the tour celebrates the 70th anniversary of a very special and close relationship between the Netherlands and Canada, of which your organization is a clear manifestation.
